Ultimate Alternative Christmas Quiz Questions and Answers

Get the whole family together and test yourself with these alternative Christmas quiz questions and answers. This isn’t your standard Christmas quiz!

general knowledge questions about christmas

Ho ho ho and Merry Christmas!

Let us guess. You’re on your 5th mince pie of the day, you can’t stomach another glass of eggnog, and you’re looking for something to do.

Well, it’s lucky we’ve got these amazing alternative Christmas quiz questions and answers to keep you entertained!

If you’re looking for something to do around the festive season, or a fun activity for the whole family, this is the quiz for you.

unusual christmas questions
It’s time to put your Christmas knowledge to the test!

In our unusual Christmas quiz, you’ll learn all about the origins of Christmas.

For example, do you know when the first Christmas card was printed? What about which country first made eggnog? You’ll find out the answers to these and more in our alternative Christmas quiz questions and answers.

So, grab yourself a mulled wine, get the whole family together, and see who really is the King of Christmas with our fun quiz below!

If you’re looking for a couple of other fun Christmas quizzes, then check out our Ultimate Christmas Movie Quiz and Ultimate Christmas Music Quiz.

alternative christmas trivia questions and answers
(Eggnog may or may not help your ability to quiz…)

Alternative Christmas Quiz Questions

When was the first Christmas card printed?

In what film is it ‘Always winter but never Christmas’?

How many different types of birds are mentioned in the ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ song?

In which country are children visited by 13 Yule Lads instead of Santa Claus?

Which country is credited with starting the tradition of having a Christmas tree?

What is Boxing day also known as?

What was the first Christmas song broadcast from space?

What does the term ‘good tidings’ mean?

Which country first created Eggnog?

In the movie Elf, what was the first rule of The Code of Elves?

What was the first brand to use Santa Clause in its advertisements?

Which popular Christmas song was originally composed for Thanksgiving?

In which country does a witch rather than Santa Claus drops gifts through the chimney for kids on Christmas?

Which play was written by William Shakespeare as a Christmas present?

When was Christmas first celebrated in the United Kingdom?

What is traditionally hidden in a Christmas pudding?

What is the name for the traditional dish at Christmas dinner that wraps sausages in bacon?

Which ballet is traditionally performed during the Christmas season, particularly in North America?

According to superstition, in which direction should you always stir when making mince pies on Christmas?

The traditional “Father Christmas” or Santa Clause in Britain was originally not dressed in red. Which colour did he wear?

Before December 25th was decided by Pope Julius I to be the day when Jesus was born, when was early Christmas celebrated?

What was the first use of Christmas candy canes?

In Austria, who is the scary character ‘Krampus’ looking for?

What were the children drinking in the first commercially produced Christmas cards by Henry Cole?

How many tips do traditional snowflakes have?

Plan your own quiz night

quiz books

If you’re looking for some recommendations, these are a few of our favorite quiz books to buy. We use these when planning fun trivia nights with family and friends!

  1. Ultimate Quiz Night
  2. Quiz Master
  3. The Big Pub Quiz

alternative christmas quiz
So who’s peeling the potatoes after the quiz?

How did you get on with our festive quiz? Did you ace everything like Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, or did you miss a few houses along the way?

As ever, if you enjoyed this quiz, make sure you share it with your friends and family to see how they do!

Ultimate Christmas Quizzes For 2024