Ultimate Christmas Traditions Quiz Questions and Answers

Have you wondered about all the different Christmas traditions around the world? Then take our Christmas traditions quiz and find out where they come from!

christmas traditions quiz questions and answers

It’s officially the time of year where Mariah Carey is defrosted and “All I Want For Christmas Is You” is on permanent loop in every shop. And do you know what? We love it.

We love everything about Christmas. From eating mince pies to hanging up our stockings over the fireplace, everything is that little more special at Christmas.

We also love how different Christmas traditions around the world are. That’s why we wanted to come up with this fun Christmas traditions quiz!

christmas traditions around the world quiz
It’s time to put your Christmas traditions trivia to the test

Do you know what the origin of Boxing Day is? Or what’s hidden in a Christmas pudding? If you think you know the answers then you’ll ace our Christmas traditions around the world quiz.

And who knows, maybe it’ll inspire you to start a few new traditions of your own! Personally, we’re down with what the Japanese eat on Christmas day…

If you’re looking for a couple of other fun Christmas quizzes, then check out our Ultimate Christmas Movie Quiz and Ultimate Christmas Song Lyrics Quiz.

christmas traditions trivia
How well do you know Christmas culture?

Christmas Traditions Quiz Questions

When is it considered lucky to eat mince pies?

What is traditionally hidden in a Christmas pudding?

In Norway, families hide their brooms at Christmas. Why?

In Caracas, Venezuela, how do Christians head to church on Christmas Eve?

What is the origin of Boxing Day?

Which country is credited with starting the tradition of having a Christmas tree?

What do Japanese people traditionally eat on Christmas Day and Christmas Eve?

In which country do people often celebrate Christmas Day with a ‘braai’, similar to a barbecue?

Before the tradition of hanging stockings up at Christmas, what did Dutch children hang by the fireside?

Before turkey was introduced to Britain from the US, what did the wealthy eat for their traditional Christmas dinner?

Which royal popularised the Christmas tree in England?

In the UK, what unusual activity has become a Christmas Day tradition for many?

In Ukraine, there is one Christmas ornament everyone has on their tree. What is it?

In which country are children visited by 13 Yule Lads instead of Santa Claus?

Which American department store was the story of Rudolph (and his red nose) created for?

Plan your own quiz night

quiz books

If you’re looking for some recommendations, these are a few of our favorite quiz books to buy. We use these when planning fun trivia nights with family and friends!

  1. Ultimate Quiz Night
  2. Quiz Master
  3. The Big Pub Quiz

holiday traditions around the world
You did it! Now treat yourself to a mince pie

So, how did you get on in our Christmas traditions around the world quiz? Did you ace it or did you find a few questions quite tricky?

As ever, if you enjoyed this quiz, make sure you share it with your friends and family to see how they do!

Ultimate Christmas Quizzes For 2024