From wildlife trivia, to facts about the human body and chemical elements, these nature quiz questions will truly test your knowledge!
Be honest, were you the science nerd at school? It’s ok, you can admit it to us! In fact, it could come in seriously handy.
Can you name the organs of the human body? Do you know the different chemical symbols of the periodic table? How about the correct terms for different baby animals? If you are up for a challenge and want to put your knowledge to the test, then we have some great nature trivia questions for you!
In this quiz you’ll need to summon everything you learnt at school and more. While you can probably name the world’s largest animal, do you know the different moons of the Solar System or the composition of the human body? This isn’t going to be easy. Will you come first in nature’s race for survival or will you fall at the first hurdle?
If you’ve already aced our quizzes about birds, dogs and horses, you might do well in this nature quiz!
Looking for the best nature trivia questions and answers?
We’ll ask you about different animal species, facts about the Solar System, different chemical elements and trivia about the human body.
Do you have one of those amazing encyclopaedia brains that’s full of wildlife trivia and facts about how the body works? These questions about nature will keep your brain in gear!
These nature trivia questions include a few real head-scratchers, like how much of the earth’s surface is covered in water and how many bones a cat has in its body! You might need to be a nature quiz pro to score full marks!
There are 20 nature pub quiz questions and answers below with each question having a choice of 4 different answers. You can only choose one, so make sure to choose wisely! Best of luck.
If you’re looking for other fun quizzes to play after this one, check out our other science and nature quizzes. There’s a special quiz about trees and trivia questions about the human body too.
Nature Quiz Questions
Plan your own quiz night
If you’re looking for some recommendations, these are a few of our favorite quiz books to buy. We use these when planning fun trivia nights with family and friends!
If you enjoyed our nature trivia questions, then why not share them with your friends and family? We also have a fun variety of other science and nature quizzes, so make sure to check them out!