Are you a true fan of Vikings? Try answering all of the questions in our ultimate Vikings quiz to prove your Norse knowledge!
Vikings has been providing viewers with unpredictable storylines, chaotic battles and unbelievable action for years ever since it debuted on Amazon Prime in 2013.
Standing as one of the world’s most popular series with 7 seasons, there’s a wealth of Vikings trivia to choose from when creating this quiz.
Basically, what we’re trying to say is this one is for those true fans of Vikings out there!
Now that this incredible series has drawn to an end, the ultimate Vikings fans will stand tall and show themselves.
This quiz features a wide range of questions from all the different characters to some of the story lines. Beware: if you haven’t finished all 7 seasons of Vikings yet then you might want to complete the series first!
Vikings culture is everywhere and so many people have loved the show, but how much of a true fan are you? Can you answer all of the questions in our ultimate Vikings quiz?
Warriors and shield maidens – it’s time to take the test!
Vikings Quiz Questions
Plan your own quiz night
If you’re looking for some recommendations, these are a few of our favorite quiz books to buy. We use these when planning fun trivia nights with family and friends!
We really hope you enjoyed playing our Vikings quiz questions! Time to binge watch the entire series again? We think so!
Challenge your friends and family by sharing these Vikings questions and see if they can beat your Vikings trivia skills.