Ultimate Jurassic Park Quiz Questions and Answers

Are you the ultimate Jurassic Park fan? Then take our Jurassic Park quiz to test your knowledge of the original dinosaur adventure!

jurassic park trivia questions

“Welcome… To Jurassic Park.”

How evocative are those words still to this day?

At 28-years-old, Jurassic Park is known for being one of the best movies of all time. It just has absolutely everything, and it was very cutting-edge when it was first released.

The film captured audiences around the World with unbelievable dinosaur effects and sounds, genuinely terrifying creatures and a tense, yet electric atmosphere.

The franchise now spans across 5 films with the 6th coming out this year, so there are a lot of Jurassic Park questions to choose from!

However, for our Jurassic Park quiz we wanted to stick with the original film that kick it all off.

jurassic park quiz questions and answers
The original poster is still timeless

The question is, how well do you really remember the classic film, or is it time to give it a well-deserved rewatch? Let’s be honest, it’s always time for a rewatch with this one!

From where Jurassic Park is located to the name of the cartoon character who explains dinosaur cloning, only a true Jurassic Park fan will score 100% in our quiz.

It’s time to test your Jurassic Park trivia knowledge with our ultimate Jurassic Park quiz below!

If you enjoy this quiz, make sure you check out our other Movie Quizzes here!

jurassic park trivia
How well do you remember Jurassic Park?

Jurassic Park Quiz Questions

On what fictional island is Jurassic Park located?

According to the founder, John Hammond – what was the first ever attraction on Jurassic Park?

Why can’t the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park reproduce?

Which other dinosaur does the Tyrannosaurus eat?

Why did Dennis shut off the security systems of the park?

How many minutes in total of the original Jurassic Park film are dinosaurs on screen?

The sound effects for the Tyrannosaurus Rex included sounds from which other animal?

Who is the cartoon character that explains how the dinosaurs were made?

What animal do they feed the Tyrannosaurus Rex?

What is on the end of John Hammond’s walking stick?

When Muldoon spots the raptor that kills him, what does he say?

What country is Jurassic Park supposedly located within?

Who directed Jurassic Park?

Fill in the blank – ‘An adventure _______ in the making’

How many Academy Awards did Jurassic Park win?

When was Jurassic Park first released?

Plan your own quiz night

quiz books

If you’re looking for some recommendations, these are a few of our favorite quiz books to buy. We use these when planning fun trivia nights with family and friends!

  1. Ultimate Quiz Night
  2. Quiz Master
  3. The Big Pub Quiz

jurassic park film quiz
How did you get on?

We hope you enjoyed playing our ultimate Jurassic Park film quiz. We are definitely going to binge-watch all 5 films again now!

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