Ultimate Summer Quiz Questions and Answers

From lazy BBQs and beach days to summer movies and songs, these summer quiz questions and answers will test your knowledge of the season!

summer quiz questions and answers
These summer quiz questions and answers will test your knowledge of the season

The four seasons all bring different benefits and drawbacks, but the season that seems to be the most popular is the summer. And it’s not hard to see why; amazing weather, longer days, and lush landscapes make for a magical and enjoyable experience.

With the kids off school, the garden teeming with life, and the sun spending most of its time in the sky, summer is the perfect opportunity for hitting the beach, enjoying ice cream and having BBQs!

summer quiz questions and answers
Are you a summer or a winter person? Our summer quiz questions will find out!

Whether it’s Labor Day weekend, summer solstice, or the first day of your vacation, the summer has so much to offer, and is one of the seasons people look forward to the most. 

summer trivia questions
There are some challenging summer trivia questions coming up

So, just how well do you know this hot, sunny time of year? And can you answer trivia on it? It’s time to tackle our ultimate summer quiz questions and answers, and see how well you do.

summer trivia questions
15 summer trivia questions stand in your way! Good luck!

Summer Quiz Questions

What % of Americans take a summer vacation?

In which city will the 2024 Summer Olympics be held?

SPF is an abbreviation found on sunscreen; what does it stand for?

In which country are you able to visit The Summer Palace?

Which national holiday in the United States marks the end of summer?

Which month did Ronald Reagan declare as 'National Ice Cream Month'?

What is the most popular US summer destination?

On average, how many people get sunburned over the summer?

What drink is consumed the most in the summer?

Can you name the essential vitamin that comes from sunlight?

The hit song 'Summer Nights' is from which movie?

What is special about the summer solstice?

Big budget studio movies released during the summer are often referred to as what?

What is the birthstone for August?

How long was the longest ever BBQ, according to Guinness World Records

Plan your own quiz night

quiz books

If you’re looking for some recommendations, these are a few of our favorite quiz books to buy. We use these when planning fun trivia nights with family and friends!

  1. Ultimate Quiz Night
  2. Quiz Master
  3. The Big Pub Quiz

We hope you enjoyed our warm and inviting summer quiz, and that it puts you in the mood to slap on some sunscreen and catch a few rays! If you enjoyed this one, don’t miss our other fun quizzes about July and August.

Hopefully this summer will be a long and hot one, filled with endless adventures! Be sure to send this quiz to friends and family, and see how your scores compare!

Ready for another quiz?

Challenge yourself with one of these fun quizzes next!