Christmas Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

What better time than Christmas to reflect on your relationship with God? Let our Christmas Bible trivia questions test your knowledge of the bible now!

christmas bible quiz

Above all else, Christmas is a time to spend with our families, enjoying a break from our daily routines and reflecting on our relationship with Jesus.

While you may or may not keep the faith, the Bible has lessons for all of us, such as the value of humility and the bonds we share with our friends, family and loved ones.

Sometimes these lessons are obvious, quotations we’ve all long since memorised, but some are more obscure and take a little time to unpack and process.

Here at Ultimate Quiz Questions, we’ve put together a series of Christmas bible trivia questions, hoping it may jog some memories and encourage us to give the Good book another read.

biblical christmas trivia
How well do you know the bible?

We’re covering our bases here – expect a mix of well-known trivia and questions that really test your bible knowledge.

We’ll be going over the events of Jesus’ birth and all that surrounded it, so all except the most devout will undoubtedly find some of our Christmas Bible quiz questions trickier than others.

Most importantly, keep in mind that no matter your score, Christmas is a time for learning and understanding. What you don’t know now, you will by the end.

Scroll on for the quiz, and let’s see how far your biblical ability gets you!

We’ve also got plenty of other Christmas quizzes to keep you entertained this Christmas!

christmas christian trivia
We’re praying you do well in this quiz!

Christmas Bible Trivia Questions

A prophet foretold the birth of Jesus, but what was his name?

In which gospel do we learn about the birth of Jesus?

Before the birth of Jesus, Mary was visited by an Angel who spoke of her miraculous pregnancy. What was his name?

Mary and Joseph were forced to travel before Jesus' birth to take part in the Roman Census. Where did they travel to?

Where was Jesus born?

According to Luke, on the night of Jesus' birth, by whom was he visited?

The Magi brought three gifts for the baby Jesus. These were Gold, Frankincense and what other?

How many days after his birth did The Magi visit Jesus, at the very earliest?

Shortly following his presentation at the temple, Jesus' life was threatened – but by whom?

Mary, Joseph and Jesus were forced to flee. Where did they find sanctuary?

How many kilometers do historical scholars estimate they travelled?

Following the King's death, which city in Israel did they return to?

As time passed, Mary and Joseph had more children. How many siblings did Jesus have in total?

At the age of 12, Jesus was lost to his parents on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Where was he found a few days later?

We celebrate the birth of Christ on December 25th, but what date does the Bible actually state Jesus was born?

Plan your own quiz night

quiz books

If you’re looking for some recommendations, these are a few of our favorite quiz books to buy. We use these when planning fun trivia nights with family and friends!

  1. Ultimate Quiz Night
  2. Quiz Master
  3. The Big Pub Quiz

And thus, we’ve reached the end of our Christmas Bible quiz questions!

No matter how you did, we sincerely hope our biblical Christmas trivia has brought the birth of Christ to the forefront of your memory.

If you enjoyed the quiz, why not take a look at some of the others we have on offer. Our Christmas quiz is an excellent accompaniment to the one you’ve just taken, and there’s no better way to start feeling the festivities!

Ultimate Christmas Quizzes For 2024