Ultimate New Year Quiz Questions and Answers

After a much-needed Christmas break, New Year will be upon us once more! Have you got what it takes to see in 2023 with our New Year quiz?

new year trivia questions

Once Christmas is over, all eyes turn to New Year. Perhaps you’re still feeling the effects of your Christmas dinner, or you’ve overdone it slightly on the eggnog!

Unfortunately for you, it’s time to buck up and prepare yourself – you’ve another round of celebrations to get through before you can start that diet you’ve been talking about since your third helping of Christmas pudding.

That being said, there’s no harm in taking some time to brush up on your New Year’s knowledge, and what better way to do it than with a New Year quiz?

new year even quiz questions
How much do you know about NYE?

We’ve been celebrating New Year for over 4,000 years, and in that time, we’ve watched traditions, celebrations, and oddities build up in their droves.

Did you know that smashing plates and lugging empty briefcases around the streets are considered to bring luck on New Year’s Eve?

Have you ever heard that eating leafy greens is the key to prosperity in the year to come?

The following New Year’s trivia questions cover the ins and outs of New Years nonsense. So settle in and see how much you really know about one of the oldest seasonal celebrations still around today!

If you’re looking for topical questions all about 2022, don’t miss our ultimate 2021 quiz. It really has been a year to remember!

Also, if you enjoy this one, then take our Chinese New Year quiz which is packed full of facts about Chinese New Year.

new years trivia
Hopefully you’re toasting at the end of this quiz!

New Year Quiz Questions

New York City is host to one of the world's biggest New Year celebrations – but where exactly does the 'ball drop'?

Chinese New Year is celebrated as the festival of which season

January symbolizes new beginnings, taking its name from the Roman God of _______?

In which decade did Sydney Harbour Bridge first host their annual New Year fireworks display?

Some New Year traditions are somewhat unusual, but which of the following have we just made up?

In which country was history made on New Year's Day, 1899, when Spanish rule ended?

Which civilization introduced wishing one another a 'Happy New Year' on January 1st?

Which song do we most often associate with New Year in the western world?

In what year did the threat of the 'Y2K' computer bug loom over New Year's Day?

What day will New Year's Day fall on in 2023?

Chinese New Year falls on a different date to that celebrated in the west. What calendar does the Chinese New Year follow?

'The Granddaddy Of Them All' is played every New Year's Day, but what's the official name of this prestigious college football game?

In Scotland, by what name is New Year's Eve better known?

The Year 2000 marked the biggest New Year's celebration to date. Which of these songs topped the Billboard Hot 100 on January 1st?

The Emancipation Proclamation was issued on New Year's Day, 1863. Which President signed the order?

Plan your own quiz night

quiz books

If you’re looking for some recommendations, these are a few of our favorite quiz books to buy. We use these when planning fun trivia nights with family and friends!

  1. Ultimate Quiz Night
  2. Quiz Master
  3. The Big Pub Quiz

The ball has dropped, and our New Year quiz is at its end. How did you do?

We hope you’ve had a great time tackling our new years trivia questions. If you liked what you found here, why not take a peek at some of our other quizzes?

We’ve got something for everybody, so test yourself on some more of our tricky trivia. And don’t forget to check back next year for more holiday head-scratchers!

Ultimate Christmas Quizzes For 2024